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Hub of expertise

Our centres of expertise: banking & finance

Geneva, the world's leading centre for private wealth management, is also an international hub for commodities trading and home to pioneers in sustainable finance.

A 500-year banking tradition

Geneva's privileged position at the heart of Europe encouraged the creation of trade fairs as early as the 12th century. The development of banking was closely linked to the trade in raw materials. From the 17th century onwards, Geneva, with its extensive international trade networks, financed numerous companies throughout the world.

As soon as it joined the Swiss Confederation in 1815, Geneva experienced a spectacular boom in its banking sector, which was also linked to its watchmaking activity. In Switzerland, as in Europe, Geneva's banks were seen as a driving force behind industrial development. Over the past 200 years, Geneva's financial sector, its private banks in particular, has built up a reputation for reliability and confidentiality. Today, the city is one of the world's leading financial centres. It is also home to many players in sustainable finance.

The birthplace of wealth management

A number of banks specialising in wealth management were founded in Geneva in the early 20th century. Known as the capital of international asset management, the city is a benchmark of excellence worldwide. It is also a key centre for private transnational asset management. Today, almost 140 banks, including 60 foreign banks, are based in Geneva.

World leader in commodity trading

Geneva plays a key role in international commodities trading and financing. With around 400 companies handling the majority of global transactions, Geneva is a world leader in the trade of oil, sugar, coffee, cereals, rice and oilseeds. More than 500 trading companies, the vast majority of which specialise in commodities trading, are based or represented in Geneva.

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